Indoor air quality and pathogen awareness have become more important than ever in recent years. If you’re in the market for commercial air purifiers in the Clark County area, Vanport Mechanical is here for you. We specialize in everything HVAC, including indoor air quality. To learn more about our commercial air purifiers or to receive HVAC services, give us a call or fill out our convenient online form. 24-hour emergency services available!
What can an Air Purifier do to help minimize viruses?
Air purifiers have fans that pull in air and pass it through a filter to capture particles before expelling the purified air into your space. Air purifiers are really effective in capturing allergens, odors, dust, mold spores, and large particulates–around 0.3 microns or larger.
Some air purifiers with built-in UV-C lights are great at killing many viruses which can cause the common cold, staph infections, and the flu.
Why add an Air Purifier to Commercial HVAC?
Air purifiers are great to have in your space year-round as they help reduce allergens, pet dander, pollen, dust, and mold spores. Helping reduce these particulates from your space will improve your indoor air quality, promote a healthy environment, and can help reduce breathing conditions and health issues.
Is There New Commercial Air Purifier Technology?
The Nu-Calgon iWave Air Purifier is a new system that can be installed in nearly any HVAC system. It uses needle-point bi-polarization to break apart molecules and provide cleaner air. It’s effective in eliminating:
- Dust
- Pet dander
- Pollen
- Mold
- Odors
And can help reduce:
- E-Coli
- Staph
- Clostridium Difficile
- Legionella Pneumophila
- Airborne mold spores
- Tuberculosis
The Nu-Calgon iWave Air Purifier is self-cleaning, programmable, doesn’t require maintenance, and fits duct systems up to 6 tons. Plus it comes backed by a three-year warranty. Here’s how it works:
- Air passes over the iWave unit
- Positive ions and negative ions enter the air and break down airborne pathogens
- Pathogens are turned into harmless compounds like water vapor, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide
When ions come into contact with viruses, mold, or bacteria, the hydrogen molecules are removed–which causes them to die.
The best part–iWave products don’t develop harmful ozone like some UV-C products can.
How Much Commercial Air Purifier Cleaning Service Will You Need?
How often you use your commercial air purifier will greatly depend on how often you should have it serviced. Your commercial air purifier’s size and your industry are other factors. Ultimately, we recommend you follow your manufacturer guidelines when it comes to changing your air filters and having the system serviced. You can always count on us to inspect your HVAC system and air purifier so we can ensure they’re operating at optimal levels.
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COVID-19 Commercial Air Purifiers
When used properly, air purifiers can greatly improve your indoor air quality and reduce airborne contaminants. However, many viruses including spread by contact with contaminated surfaces and via person-to-person contact. Even the most powerful air purifier may fail to capture and kill some viruses before they come into contact with surfaces or people, especially if they’re smaller than 0.3 microns in size. (For reference, most viruses range in size from 0.004 to 0.1 microns. A previous coronavirus, SARS was 0.1 microns in size.)
If you’re ready to invest in a COVID air purifier for your business, contact us. We proudly serve the Clark County area with quality service and great rates. We can help improve your indoor air quality today! Contact us for a quote!
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